The SAT and ACT are exams that many colleges require for admissions consideration. Typically these are more selective four year colleges for students pursuing a "Bachelors" degree. There are of course many schools that do not require the SAT/ACT and others that are "Test Optional". There are also some very selective colleges that require specific subject tests often referred to as the SATII. Below are some details, but don't hesitate to call with any questions you may have. Please note, their is a charge for these exams that may be waived. Details are also noted below. There are also a number of schools that do not use or are flexible when it comes to the role the SAT/ACT plays in admissions. Many of these schools can be found at: and the Admissions Drop Down - Optional.
ACT Scores
ACT scores are given in each of the four tests (english, mathematics, reading and science). An ACT composite score is
given as well. The ACT Scores will range from 1 to 36 and the ACT Composite score will be an average of the four subject area tests.
SAT Scores
The SAT includes two sections comprised of three tests: Reading, Math, Writing & Language, plus an optional Essay. Each section is worth 800 points for a total maximum score of 1600.
What do the scores mean?
The scores are used by many colleges to compare students across the country. Please sit down with your School Counselor to learn more about what your scores mean for your college search. Please note, no score guarantees that any student will or will not get into a particular school. There are many more variables involved in the college admissions process than one test.
Registration and Test Dates
What if I have special accomodations on an IEP?
Contact Mrs. Trimble in our CSE office before you sign up for the SAT or ACT. She will provide you an SSD number. You will then register as any other student, but click "yes" when asked if you will be testing with accomodations. Enter your SSD number and upon completing registation your entry ticket will then note your accomodations for any testing site you use.
Preparing for the Exams
Richfield Springs pays for any junior student who wishes to sit for the PSAT. This exam is held during the school day during the month of October each year. The School Counselor then reviews the results and helps kids enroll in the connected study program at www.Khan
Students who wish to prepare for the ACT can use resources on the site link above.
SAT Fee WaiversBelow are the eligibility guidelines for SAT Fee Waivers
* Fee waivers may be granted to eligible US citizens residing outside the US and to Nationals of countries other than the US only if they test in the US, Puerto Rico, or US territories.
* Fee waivers cover the cost of regular registration. A late registration fee must accompany the fee-waiver card if they are submitted after the regular registration deadline.
* Fee waivers may be used for online registration. Follow the instructions on the waiver form.
* Fee waivers may be used only for the test fees (additional fees are not covered)
ACT Fee Waivers Below are the eligibility guidelines for ACT Fee Waivers
* Current HS junior or senior students must meet at least one of the following indicators of economic need:
- Family receives public assistance.
- Students is a ward of the state.
- Student resides in foster care.
- Student participates in free or reduced lunch program at school.
- Student participates in a federally funded TRIO program such as Upward Bound.
You may register only once with an ACT fee waiver either in your junior or senior year. Important note: The waiver is considered used once you register, even if you do not test.
You must register by paper to use the fee waiver. Fee waivers can be picked up in the guidance office or from ACT.