SPORTS UPDATE: Girls JV Soccer AT Dolgeville. Girls Modified Soccer AT Milford. Boys Modified Soccer HOME vs Milford
We will be having our first meeting to plan and create a young readers program for preschool aged children and their families in the Richfield Springs School District. If you are interested in joining us at 6PM on Wednesday, September 20th, we will be meeting in the room next to Dr. Wilson's office. Please enter at the main entrance between the pillars. Thank you.
Come One, Come Alll!
A reminder that the Richfield Springs administration will be in the dunking booth from 11:30-1:00 on this cold and windy day. Balls will be 3 for $5. The schedule is as follows,
11:30-12:00 Dr. Wison
12:00-12:30 Mr. Piatti
12:30-1:00 Mr. St Peter
SPORTS UPDATE: Girls Varsity Soccer AT Milford - Saturday @ 10:00AM.
It's that time of year again! Be on the lookout for photo forms to come home. Even if families are not interested in ordering packages, student photos are still used for SchoolTool and for the RSCS yearbook. Thank you.
SPORTS UPDATE: Varsity and Modified Cross Country travels to Mount Markham this afternoon!
SPORTS UPDATE: Girls JV Soccer AT Adirondack @ 4:30 - Girls Varsity Soccer AT Worcester @ 4:30
This is a reminder that our open house will be this Thursday, with our annual spaghetti dinner starting at 5:30, followed by open house and our community/service fair from 6:00 to 7:00. Secondary departments will be set up in the elementary gym.
As you are all aware, Richfield and ODY combine for sports. We are looking for 3 to 6 students in grades 5-12 to represent each district on a committee that will meet in each district to create our shared logo or emblem for uniforms, warmups and other items. Some things are already in place, such as RS-ODY, or ODY-RS will be our name and our combined colors will be purple and blue.
This committee work will take place in each district, with the first meeting taking place at ODY, and it will be scheduled in a couple of weeks. Please email Mr. Piatti @ if you are interested in being on this committee.
A travel opportunity for our students in grades 8-12 for next summer.
SPORTS UPDATE: Varsity Girls Soccer faces Waterville tomorrow at 1 in Waterville's Optimist Tournament!
SPORTS UPDATE: Tonights Varsity Girls Soccer games has been moved to a 6:00 start in Waterville.
SPORTS UPDATE: TODAY - JV Girls Soccer HOME vs Poland at 4:30. Varsity Girls Soccer in Waterville Tournament vs Herkimer at 5:00. GO EAGLES!
SPORTS UPDATE: Modified Cross Country starts TODAY at ODY!!! Register on Family Id!
SPORTS UPDATE: Girls Varsity/JV Soccer welcomed Waterville for a friendly scrimmage to warm up for the season!
MODIFIED SPORTS: Start Date - Modified Cross Country: September 5th. Modified Soccer: September 7th. Make sure your student-athlete is registered on Family ID AND has a current physical
MODIFIED SPORTS: Start Date - Modified Cross Country: September 5th. Modified Soccer: September 7th. Make sure your student-athlete is registered on Family ID AND has a current physical!
ATTENTION 7-12 Students and parents: In order for students to receive a computer on September 7th and 8th, the RSCS Device Agreement Form MUST be completed. Schedules have been mailed and you will find a hard-copy of the form with the schedule. You can also complete an online form through the following link/QR Code. Either form is acceptable but must be received BEFOE a computer is issued.
soccer is underway!
SPORTS UPDATE: Fall sports Season for JV and Varsity Sports begin MONDAY, AUGUST 21st. Student-athletes must be registered on Family ID and have an up-to-date physical! REGISTER ASAP!