February 4, 2023
Our Senior Boys were recognized for their years on the basketball court. Congratulations to Clay Bobnick and Jordan DiLiberto and their families!
Congratulations to record...

February 3, 2023
" Reflections 2023 " is the name of this year's exhibition for the art work of Herkimer County area students, including those of RSCS' middle/high school Art teacher, Mr. Mar...

February 1, 2023
They work hard, ask for help, persevere and shine. Congratulations to our second quarter academic scholars of grades 7-12!

February 1, 2023
Those interested in registering their child(ren) for Pre-Kindergarten or Kindergarten for the 2023-2024 school year should contact Lynda Oakes in the guidance office. Please see ...

February 1, 2023
Advisor Mr. Wadnola shares, "In STEAM Club we are learning how to build, maintain, and drive RC (Radio-Controlled) Vehicles. The boys learned how to safely handle, charge, and st...

February 1, 2023
The Senior Snowball was back this past weekend! Tickled Pink DJ Services entertained the group of 66 high schoolers dressed to the nines for the event. Dancing, laughter, socializ...

November 28, 2022
Here are our upcoming Virtual Opportunities: *You can find all these upcoming virtual opportunities on our website (brilliantpathways.org) > Members > Events
September 5, 2022
We are now offering a fillable Free and Reduced Lunch Application. Click here for the eligibility requirements and here for the fillable application.
Completed forms shoul...
August 23, 2022
Click here for the latest information!
July 21, 2022
Our 2022-2023 District Wide Safety Plan can be seen here or under the "About Us" tab on our website. Public comments or questions regarding the district wide safety plan may be ...
February 4, 2022

January 31, 2022
Have you downloaded the app for Richfield Springs CSD yet? It's everything Richfield Springs
CSD right in your pocket.
With the new app, you can access documents, even...

December 15, 2021
A $1,000 Fieldale Farms SAE grant has been awarded to Laken Dyn of Jordanville NY by Fieldale Farms.
SAE grants are designed to help FFA members create or expand Supervise...
August 25, 2021
Dear 7th Grade Students and Parents/Guardians,
Congratulations on your successful completion of elementary school! This year will be an exciting time with so many wonderful e...
August 24, 2021
Richfield Springs Central School District Reopening Plan 2021-22
August 23, 2021 To the Richfield Springs School Community:
Welcome back! As has been the case for the la...
August 23, 2021
NYSED.gov has shared the following Health & Safety Guidance the 2021-22 school year. Health & Safety Guide
July 1, 2021
Richfield Springs CSD ARP Funds Planned Use 2021-2024 American Rescue Plan 90% ESSER Grant: Minimum of 20% must be spent on learning loss remediation Balance can be used on same...
May 26, 2021
Our National Honor Society induction ceremony was held Tuesday evening, May 25th, in the old gymnasium. Readings of the officers were said by Sydney Burdick, Brooke Connolly, Cole...
March 22, 2021
Updated State Budget Call to Action
Now that the Senate and Assembly have both introduced their counter proposals to the Executive budget proposal, final negotiations for the...
March 4, 2021
Take Action - Federal Funding and the State Budget
In order to continue to provide quality instruction to students during this pandemic and beyond, school districts must rece...