The elementary school is hosting grade-level back to school informational meetings for families. All meetings will be held in the cafeteria from 6:00p.m.-7:00 p.m. The schedule is as follows Monday August 10th Pre-K Tuesday August 11th 6th grade Wednesday August 12th 5th grade Thursday August 13th Kindergarten Friday August 14th 2nd grade Monday August 17th 4th grade Tuesday August 18th 1st grade Thursday August 20th 3rd grade Please try to limit attendance to one adult per family. You must wear a mask. You may not attend the meeting without one. Children are NOT allowed at the meeting. We cannot allow admittance if children are with you. If you would like to join virtually the link is YOU WILL BE PROMPTED TO ASK PERMISSION TO JOIN THE MEETING, WITHIN A FEW MINUTES STAFF WILL UNLOCK THE ROOM. The meeting will discuss traditional in person school as well as distance learning. We look forward to seeing you soon
over 4 years ago, Richfield Springs CSD
over 4 years ago, Richfield Springs CSD
COVID- 19 Testing Locations o In Otsego County: Bassett Hospital – 1 Atwell Rd, Cooperstown o In Herkimer County: Primary Urgent Care – 130 West Albany Street, Herkimer • May have rapid response tests available o Richfield Springs School Based Health Center (SBHC) – Families enrolled in the SBHC may request COVID testing on-site in the District’s isolation room.
over 4 years ago, Richfield Springs CSD
School Protocol for Symptomatic or Covid-19 Positive Students or Staff Use this link to get information about the school protocols for symptomatic or Covid-19 positive students or staff.
over 4 years ago, Richfield Springs CSD
Use this link to get information about the RSCSD reopening plan. (
over 4 years ago, Richfield Springs CSD
There will be a drive-thru food pantry at Cherry Valley/ Springfield on July 21st at 10AM.
over 4 years ago, Richfield Springs CSD
CVS Food Pantry
Device collection will be from 10-2 near the cafeteria doors on June 18 for elementary and June 19 for secondary. Please bring all iPads, laptops, calculators, chargers, and cases. If you cannot return the devices on those days/times, please contact
almost 5 years ago, Richfield Springs CSD
Due to the weather Thursday, we moved the senior recognition car parade to today, Monday, June 1st at 6:00 pm. Students, please plan on meeting at the firehouse at 5:45 pm.
almost 5 years ago, Richfield Springs CSD